Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm making this post now because I just got home from my weekly piano lesson and needed to vent frustration NOW, before I say something to someone that I'll regret later. Both my parents (and one of my brothers) smoke. Fairly heavily at that. They do it outside, not in the house, which is thoughtful of them. But it becomes fucking unbearable when they do it in the car. Which they do. Alot. And today, on the way home from that trip, mum asks me to get her ciggarettes out and her lighter from the bag. Yea, safeguarding your kids from picking up your habits gets kicked in the head somewhere there. So I do, and she lights it up, and after about 20 agonising seconds she rolls down her window slightly. And when I push my nose under my jumper, to muffle the smell just so little, she complains. "Don't do that. I know you don't like it, but to bad." FUCK YOU. I don't like it because IT KILLED MY FRIEND IN CASE YOU'D FORGOTTEN. I DO NOT WANT IT TO KILL ME EITHER. She goes on"Smoke rises so it goes out the window anyway." FUCKING IDIOT. The window is not the highest point in the car. THE AREA JUST ABOVE OUR HEADS IS YOU IDIOT. The smoke does not go out the window WHEN YOU HOLD THE CIGGARETTE JUST ABOVE MY FUCKING LAP. You berate me for not checking for cars on our home street, which is always fucking empty, because it is dangerous. LYING DOWN AND GOING TO SLEEP ON THAT ROAD IS LESS DANGEROUS THEN TAKING ONE OF YOUR FUCKING THINGS, OF WHICH YOU GO THROUGH 4 PACKS A WEEK.

I do not care if you people want to slowly kill yourselves and claim it is a stress relief. I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU FREAKS, BUT HASTENING MY DEATH IS NOT A RELIEF TO STRESS. DO NOT DRAG ME TO THE GRAVE WITH YOUR SICK HABBITS.

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