I just know that I'm never going to be satisfied with the colorscheme, and that every time I come here I'll end up spending more time fiddling with it then I do making a post, but thats more my fault then anyone elses.
Today's post is more in honor of me setting up shifts for work at mcdonalds then anything else. It's in footscray, true, which is meant to be like, where druggies go when they've hit rock bottom for druggies, but hey, I live there too, and I walk past a partly demolished pub (Well, a truck drove into it, but it still did a fair bit of damage) that is used by squatters and whore's. I can deal with serving these people dinner. Plus, my most super awesomeest friend every, Lucky, works their, and I'm amazingly glad I'll get to see her more often again, since after she got to old for band our only regular contact has been through the web. And I have a feeling that me getting the job after months of downtime is due to more then a little intervention on her part, and she's already helped me so much with it that I am grateful enough to kiss her, were she in the same room as me and were I not crippling shy in RL social events.
that seems to short for a blog post. Bugger me. Well, I was feeling all proud for restarting this thing, then I looked at it and it said "Last post 5 days ago!" like some horrible accusation. That reminded me not to let it die quiet so quickly this time, so I'll try to be nice and ramble for a few more occassion yet. I mean, ideally I wouldn't be such a lazy bastard and would update it to a schedule of some kind, but fuck, I'm not Yahtzee, this isn't fullyramblomatic and I am in possession of a little thing called an attention span. I mean a little thing when I say it folks.
Final thoughts; My brother has now got more of his tattoo done. Hm, this is going to more then a fleeting final thought kiddies. Its a coy? fish, or something. Japanese, he says it symbolishes strength and endurance. I say it symbolises forgienness, and combined with the southern cross on his shoulderblades it symbolises stupidity. Then he hits me. It hurts. Theres still like 3 more sessions before it is finished, to get all the color in. He already has The previously mentioned southern cross, his year of conception on his foot (Yea, makes plenty of sense.), and a man with a lawmower just above his groin. Okay, that one is amusing. I think the tattoos are a foolish thing to get now, more because supposedly later on he'll think about what a dick move it was, but hey, it's his skin, not mine. Okay, I'm done. No one is allowed to implode, as that'll be how I die, okay?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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