Well, that dayily post scheme lasted ages. Hm. Propably shouldn't have tried setting that up when my home computer is a molten pile of crap. Expect to read that complaint alot until it is replaced. I have to deal with it, SO DO YOU! *cackles* Ahem. Well, maybe I'll just go for 5 a week. Possibly 4, depending on how lazy I get.
I can't think of what to write here, so I'll just go with whatever comes to mind. Right now I'm at school, on a very, very cold day. So I'll start with that. My school is called CBC, or Christian Brothers College if you like talking. Well, its a Jesus loving establishment, obviously, and the only reason I came here was because my brothers did. Given the choice, I'd have gone for Footscray city, which is much closer to home, has no uniform and is cheaper. My parents seem to think that larger class sizes mean its a terrible place, but if they had a day of lessons here I think I could go there. It's amusing actually, when I'm doing badly they threaten to send me there. Last time it happened I snapped and screamed at them to send me there, because my best friend went, and if they think she's going to end up working for a fast food joint for the rest of her life I'd be happy to do it beside her. Now they don't mention the place.
CBC is like most high schools; badly funded, crappy facilities, and some good teachers mixed in among a million bad. Its an all boys school, and of course for a nerd like me that can spell trouble. I'm lucky in that I have two older brothers with a penache for violence, I suppose. It keeps me fit enough to at least fight back against people trying to walk over me. Across the road from CBC is an all girls school, PCW. (Presentation college windsor.) In years 11 and 12 (VCE, here) students will go between schools so they can do their elected subjects without timetables clashing. I have half my subjects there. Other then the students, its a much better school then ours. Their lot is as bad as ours though.
Anyway, I think that consititutes a fair post. Now the bells going for home room. I'll leave you lot to your own devices. See you tommorow, or if I'm really bored, after school today.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
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Wait... Isn't your school a religious private? How does bad funding come into it?
Well, the principal needs to get those new cars every week. Its a damn nessecity! Not. Even. Joking.
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